Wednesday, March 14, 2012

No Sleep

Sleep sounds unbelievable. But not enough time. Need to pay attention in school and act like im not tired at all so i can have a good day. 1st period. Day dream the whole time. Excited for 2nd cause i get to see my friends and its nelsons class. Now 3rd. Eat my lunch and listen to meyer tell us how lazy we are and that by the end of the term if we all have F's she cant help us. We dont let it bother us. Lunch. Talk to some friends maybe go out somewhere. 4th period. Seminary. Struglling so hard to pay attention. Just keep your eys open. Schools over. Go play some basketball and if its nice weather. Volleyball. Go home for dinner, do some chours and maybe some homework. Nah... play some x box but now my dads home so i need to make it look like im doing something productive. Shower and get dressed again and go over to "her" house. 11 o clock bed time.......No sleep


  1. haha soo true dude!! dads home so I have to be productive

  2. Love the last 2 lines! Ha!

    "Play some xbox but now my dads home so I need to make it look like im doing something productive. Shower an get dressed again and go over to "her" house"


    1. Her House. I want BryTon back not Brian. Freaking her house
